Mom left on her vacation to Gettysburg and the Shenandoah Valley telling me to keep an eye on the place. So far I've napped and checked out the food bowl to make sure it was where I left it. When I get done writing this post, I'm going to jump in the window and scare the squirrels in the front yard who are busy burying nuts for the upcoming winter.

When Mom gets ready for a trip, she hauls out her big black suitcase. While she is running around the apartment picking up things to put in the suitcase, I guard it so nobody can stick anything that doesn't belong in the suitcase, like my Kittycrack.

Did you know she can get a whole two weeks of clothes in there? She likes to let me help her pack. I check things out and stomp on the clothes to pack them down.

I acted really brave when she gave me a pat and peck on the top of the head this morning when she walked out the door, but you know what? I really miss her and I can't wait for her to come home...

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Just so you know, I only can only get on the computer in the evenings after the cat sitter comes and talks to Mom. Depending on when she turns on the internet, I'll try and get the round up on Sunday evening. If for some reason I can't get it up on Sunday evening, I'll definitely be able to convince the cat sitter to turn on the computer on Monday.