It is that time of the year again when food bloggers from the world over unite to participate in
Chez Pim's Menu for Hope raffle to support the
World Food Programme. This year the proceeds from your bids will go to support the
Purchase for Progress program.

The Purchase for Progress program connects small local farmers with the World Food Programme by using the farmers to provide the foodstuffs the WFP uses in the regions they support. Not only does this mean that the small farmers benefit by getting a fair market value for their crops but the WFP benefits by having reliable supplies that are easy to distribute.
This will be the sixth year I've participated in the Menu for Hope and once again I'm offering two wonderful items for bid in the Menu for Hope:
LA Burdick Chocolate Mice or Penguins (winner chooses) and a Day of Bread Making with Breadchick.
Item UE 08: Small Box LA Burdick Chocolate Mice or Penguins I've offered a small box of mice every year and this year decided to make it a choice between the adorable mice

and the absolutely too cute for words penguins.

These are the signature chocolates of one of the best chocolatiers in the United States, Larry Burdick.
The mice are in three flavors: dark with orange interior, milk with mocha interior, and white with cinnamon interior. Each mouse comes decorated with an adorable face and pretty silk ribbon tail. Each penguin is a ganache of dark chocolate and lemon, with almond arms, dressed in a dark chocolate and white chocolate tuxedo.
Sorry, due to the nature of the product, shipping for this bid item will be only to bidders in the USA.
Item UE 09: Day of Bread Making with Breadchick:
This is the third year I've offered this prize and I have to say I'm not sure who had more fun the past two years, the winner of the bid or myself.
This is an "in your home" day long lesson on making bread completely by hand for the winner and up to three of their friends or family. I will come to the winner's house on a weekend day and teach them to make bread the old fashioned way, completely by hand (no mixer, no bread machine).
The winner will learn all about how to have success with bread and yeast in their home and learn techniques like proofing yeast, kneading, and how do you know you will have bread and not a "hockey puck".
We will make two loaves: basic white or whole wheat and one specialty bread like cinnamon rolls, Challah, or whole grain. Along the way, I'll answer any questions about bread, different techniques for making bread and we'll have a "show and tell" about ingredients.
The winner will also get a home bread making kit that includes my preferred loaf pan, yeast,
King Arthur flour and recipes for the breads we make with step by step instructions. This is the perfect prize for the person who is terrified of yeast and making bread by hand but always wanted to try.
Unfortunately, unless the winner is willing to pay my travel costs, this bid item is only offered to folks living in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania and the greater NYC area.This year, my fabulously talented friend Helene of
Tartlette fame is the hostess for the Eastern US Menu for Hope. If you want to see some other wonderful bid offerings from my fellow east coast food bloggers, visit her Menu for Hope listings. Or you can visit Chez Pim's page for a full listing of all the items for bid world wide.
If you want to bid on my two items (and you
know you do!) or any of the other wonderful items you see on either Helene's or
Chez Pim's pages, all you have to do is visit the
First Giving Menu for Hope VI page
Here's what you need to do:
1. Choose a bid item (UE08 for the Burdick Chocolates or UE09 for the Day of Bread Making with Breadchick) or bid items of your choice from our Menu for Hope main bid item list.
2. Go to the donation site at
Firstgiving and make a donation. Each chance for the bid item is $10 again this year.
3. Please specify which bid item you'd like in the 'Personal Message' section in the donation form when confirming your donation. You must write-in how many tickets per bid item, and please use the bid item code. (Don't forget UE08 = Chocolate Mice or Penguins, UE09 = Me in your kitchen helping you make bread!)
Each $10 you donate will give you one raffle ticket toward a bid item of your choice. For example, a donation of $50 can be 2 tickets for UE08 and 3 tickets for UE09 - 2xUE08, 3xUE09.
4. If your company matches your charity donation, please check the box and fill in the information so we could claim the corporate match.
5. Please, please, PLEASE check the box to allow us to see your email address so that we can contact you in case you win. Your email address will not be shared with anyone.
Check back on Chez Pim on Monday, January 18 for the results of Menu for Hope bids.
Now go get clicking over at
First Giving and bid!