In keeping with the party theme, we are suppose to bring both a munchie and a drink that is black and white. To pass around the room, I've brought something a bit old fashioned in the form of Black and White Checkerboard Refrigerator Cookies. To drink, I've contributed a bartender AND something equally decadent; a Godiva Chocolatier liqueur based drink called a Black and White Cherry.
The Black and White Checkerboard cookies where pretty simple to make and the effect is quite lovely as you can see.

I used the "Icebox Butter Cookie" recipe from Martha Stewart's Baking Handbook
I wish I could say I liked the Black and White Cherry as well as I liked the cookies (I'm sure it isn't the bartender's fault). While on paper the drink looks really spectacular, I actually found it a bit well...too much of a good thing, a cherry cordial on vodka. The recipe calls for both chocolate and white chocolate flavoured Godiva Liqueur and cherry and vanilla flavoured vodka to which you add heavy cream, chocolate ice cream, and ice cubes; which all goes in the blender. After quite a bit of racket that disturbed the cat's mid-afternoon nap, I had a frothy and very boozy milkshake that was garnished with fresh whipped cream (what else is a girl to do with the remainder of the heavy cream?) and microplaned Belgian chocolate.

I think this drink would be better without the chocolate ice cream and served in a brandy snifter versus the Tom Collins glass in the recipe. Or maybe with hot chocolate as the base and served warm in a mug. But I will let you be the judge...
Well, I see a few fellow blog-friends over on the other side of the room and I am blocking the way to the bar. Enjoy the rest of the party and it is always lovely to see you!
Black and White Cherry
1 oz Godiva chocolate liqueur
1 oz Godiva white chocolate liqueur
1 oz heavy cream
1 oz cherry vodka
1 oz vanilla vodka
2 scoops chocolate ice cream
13 ice cubes
Combine all ingredients in a blender.
Blend until the ice is crushed and the entire drink is creamy.
Pour into a Tom Collins glass.
Garnish with whipped cream, cherry or shaved chocolate, and serve