Mom's letting me hog the computer this weekend. Well she isn't exactly letting me but she's so busy in the kitchen playing with dough

and other good things made with flour you humans like that she doesn't care if I download tons of kitty porn and order Hawaiian Katnip! She is working on converting some of her white flour sourdough recipes into whole grain recipes this weekend. She is starting with her sourdough cinnamon rolls and her baguettes.
I want to tell you how much Mom and I have appreciated all your cat hugs, purrs, and chin scratches the past month. Mom and I are very sad about losing my Dad but we are getting better. I'm so sad he left us the way he did and I wish he hadn't gone. He was the one who taught me to hop up on the bed to get my shot in the morning and was one of the best treat givers I have ever had. I hope he is finally at peace and he will have a pocket full of good tuna treats waiting for me when I cross the bridge (which won't be for many more years).
Even though Mom and Grandma were up in Massachusetts to take care of my Dad's affairs they did find time take a little break. They were staying in a hotel in Concord, MA. Concord is famous in the American Revolution as the place the "shot heard round the world" was fired at the Old North Bridge.

Concord is also famous for all the great writers who lived there in the 19th Century, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Nathanial Hawthorne, and Louisa May Alcott. Grandma is a big fan of Louisa May Alcott's writing

and was excited to get to visit Orchard House, where she wrote her most famous book, "Little Women"

and Wayside,

the house were the events in "Little Women" took place.
Mom enjoyed visiting Concord again, especially in the Fall, which is her favorite season.

She spent a lot of time there when she lived in Clinton and Cambridge. I think running through leaves like a kid

helped her remember good things instead of being sad all the time. She told me it was one of the prettiest falls she remembered.

I'm glad Mom is feeling better and back in the kitchen and I'm sure that she'll be blogging more now that she is baking and cooking again. Which means you'll be seeing more of me on the weekends too!
Weekend Cat Blogging is being hosted by the wonder kat, CeCe over at Mind of Mog! Go over there and see what all my cat friends and their humans have been up to this week!