You see, every weekend since the middle of March, she has been running back forth between home here in Connecticut and Boston, where she is taking care of the last bit of details for Dad's estate

and arranging for the last of the furniture she doesn't want or need from our house in Cambridge to be sold at an estate sale in July. The old house was sold in May and she had to spend some time there too making sure everything is in order.
She also has been figuring out how to bring home to Connecticut Dad's big black German car.

She was going to sell it but decided that she loves it too much and wants to enjoy Summer cruising along the Sound with the sun roof open.
She has been cussing a lot lately about the RMV in Massachusetts. I don't know who the RMV is but I'm real glad I'm not him because Mom has some really nasty things to say about him.
Now, she tells me she is off for Orlando for five days. She assures me it is because she has to go to a big meeting for her work but I think she is going to play with that big mouse.
I will be really happy when she has time to stay home and bake and play string game with me.

Until then, I'll just be curled up against my scratching pole napping

or curled up the big leather chair from Dad's study that Mom strapped to the top of her car and hauled home this weekend.

It is right back where it belongs, under the window in the front room where I can sleep and dream of tuna.
Weekend Cat Blogging is 4!!
A weekly event, that started at with Claire and Kiri, as a way for food bloggers to not blog about food on the weekend is now a worldwide cat blogging event. There are a few hardy food bloggers like Rosa of Rosa's Yummy Yums and Astrid of Paulchen's Food Blog (and the arranger of the WCB hosting schedule) who participate but mostly it is kitty bloggers, which we like just fine!
If you want to post about what all you kitties have been doing this weekend, go ahead and leave a comment. Mom will edit this post with a round up, hopefully before we have to host again!