I sure can't. Even more amazing is that the whole summer just seems to be screaming by because it is time for us to host Weekend Cat Blogging again!
Well, I'm hosting again because as usual, Mom is no where to be found. Well, I know where to find her and judging that she has left you hanging on what she did with the wild raspberries she found when she was out hitting golf balls, I would say she sure can't be found in the kitchen.
Instead for most of this month you could find Mom either in the office working to a few deadlines that got pulled in or out on the golf course enjoying the nice warm weather that finally made its appearance. If you asked me though, I'd say it was because she wanted to play with her new putter and hot pink driver.

The driver matches her hot pink playing balls.
I really don't like all the time Mom spends on the golf course but there is an advantage to all this game playing she has been doing, putting practice. You see, Mom's golf instructor told her that she could get much better with her putting if she practiced at home by hitting a golf ball into a drinking glass.

I like to help her collect the balls she misses.

It is fun to pounce on them as they go rolling by me. But after a while, I get bored

and want to take a nap on Mom's new couch.

She even made a place for me down at the end with my favorite blanket.

If you look closely, right next to the new couch is the other new hobby Mom has picked up, knitting.
Mom sure surprised me by picking up knitting needles a few weeks ago. She wanted to make something for her bestest friend Sara, who is expecting her first baby and got hooked. I kind of like the part when she gets new yarn.

She has to roll it in a ball before she starts a new project and she lets me help her keep the yarn in its place by chasing it.
Just in case you think that Mom has given up any cooking this month, she has been in the kitchen a few times. She made a German Chocolate Bundt Cake to take into the office.

Like all the things she brings into the office, it didn't last long.

Mom also has been loving the farm fresh eggs she has been getting from her CSA.

Aren't they pretty with all those different shapes, sizes, and colors? One thing that isn't different about the eggs is how gorgeous yellow the yolks are, regardless of the egg.

Mom loves to come home and make a quick dinner of scrambled eggs.

I even like the farm fresh egg scrambled eggs better when she shares them with me.
Mom's new couch is much smaller than her old couch. It fits much better in her apartment and even leaves room for her to put out my stool

so I can sit on it and wait for my treats.
If you want to join us in Weekend Cat Blogging, just leave us a comment with a link to your post. Mom's going to be working most of the weekend and has two tee times as well but don't let that stop you from checking back at the end of the weekend reading all the comments other kitties leave.