I spent quite a bit of time the past two weeks during my vacation looking at the various food blogs I admire and the other types of blogs I read. I took notes about what type of layouts I liked and which one's I didn't. I even took for a test drive a few other blog formats like Word Press, Type Pad, and Movable Type. After quite a bit of soul searching and at much urging from MBH and a few of you, I have decided to make a few changes and now, as the seasons start to change in earnest from Summer to Fall around New England, seems like the perfect time to begin those changes.
One of the changes you will notice is that going forward, The Sour Dough will be all about food and food related subjects. This doesn't mean that I won't tell you about restaurants I ate at while on job sites or let you know what LB and MBH are up to because all those things are woven into my love of food. But what it means is that the rants and raves about my non-food life will not be found here (If you are interested in keeping up with my audio self, here is where you can go).
One change has already happened. A little over a month ago, MBH convinced me I needed a new digital camera and I needed to learn how to take good macro shots of food. I purchased a Fuji FinePix F470 and have fallen in love with shooting pictures of the food I make and eat using the macro setting to get "food porn shots" like this tomato and various herbs from my garden.

A few of you have told me I should do a podcast. I'm not sure if the world is ready to hear my "Minnie Mouse" voice babble about food, bread, and ramble on about anything yet. That will probably wait but, rest assured, I am mulling it over.
Finally, I have secured www.breadchick.com as a domain name (a test page is there right now). I'm in the process of trying to decide if I want to stay with Blogger to host this domain or move The Sour Dough and use other blogging software. I'm still debating about this so don't erase the Blogger bookmark just yet. MBH will tell you it is because I'm a luddite when it comes to computer things but we'll see.
So, as we move closer to the two year anniversary of The Sour Dough, keep your eyes peeled because just like the seasons, changes are coming soon...