What is going on over at The Sour Dough?!
For a few days, I repointed this site to my old blogger site while I futzed with a few things here on my hosted Wordpress site. I liked some of the things and not others so I decided to come back to the old layout while I cogitate on a few more ideas. From time to time, you may find yourself pointed back at the blogger site while I test a few things but don't worry, I'll still be posting about the baked goodies coming out of the kitchen and make sure you can find them whichever site is showing!
Part of what is going on is that during my little blogging break I took some time to think about a few of the things that have been happening in my life the past six months and to take stock of where I am today versus where I was then. Life sometimes takes a funny turn to the left when we don't expect but from those unexpected changes can come some really good things! We find the person inside us we had forgotten about and we rediscover exactly how strong we are mentally and physically. Finally, we wake up and decide enough of this moping around; time to just get on with the job at hand and while we are at it, we end up being much happier than we had been in years.
So, where is this philosophical rambling heading to? And more importantly, how can you help? Well, there are some changes afoot here at The Sour Dough.
First, notice that nice little badge up there on top of my side bar? I recently became a featured publisher for Foodbuzz. If you don't know about Foodbuzz, go check them out. It is quickly becoming an all encompassing food community of bloggers and foodies. You can find restaurant reviews, recipes, and even network with other people of similar interests. While you are there, vote for me (shameless self promotion, I know)! So, wander over there and check it out! I think you'll like what you find.
Also notice down below, I'm member of the Foodie Blogroll now too! This the fabulous Jenn, The Left Over Queen's brainchild. If you want to add a few new food blogs to read, scroll through the list. There are so many talented cooks and writers out there, you'll fill your rss feed reader before you know it.
Then there are the Bread Baking Babes. Born out of a bunch of us who have baked and cooked together on a whole bunch of blog events like Weekend Cookbook Challenge (which by the by is being hosted by my lost twin sister of another mother, Lis of La Mia Cucina this month), Daring Bakers, and Sugar High Fridays to name a few, but wanted to explore all that bread has to offer, we will be baking a different loaf of bread every month. Last month it was the incredible Royal Crown's Tortano and you can join the fun with us by becoming a Bread Baking Buddy. So keep your eye for the bread we're making this month. I can tell you this much about it... it's a monster!
Finally, I want to know what sort of features and ideas you have for the future of The Sour Dough!
Some of you have requested online baking classes and/or "how to videos". A few have wanted more "Ask Breadchick" features (I'm working on a few of those as I type). What ever you would like to see, I'm interested in hearing from you. So just leave me a comment or send me an email.
The next few weeks are going to be interesting around here but sometimes change is exactly what you need!