We live a few blocks from Harvard Square and there are 2 Starbucks in Harvard Square: One at 31 Church St. and the other inside The Garage (a funky American version of a shopping arcade). On Thursday and Friday, before dropping MBH off at the T station and heading into work myself, we decided to go into the Church St location. MBH ordered a venti hot chocolate (he isn't a coffee drinker) and I handed over my travel mug and asked to have it filled with Fair Trade Coffee. The barista behind the counter was very chipper for 6:30am and said "Sure, no problem. You want our Estima. It is this shop's house coffee on Mon, Wed and Friday. And, if you want it any other day, just ask. We'll grind it for you to use in a french press." So, rack up Success #1 (or is that two?) for Harvard Square Church St Starbucks.
On Saturday, we typically get up early and head to a local coffee shop, Dammits, but as of late, we have been less than happy there (more on that another time). So, since I was taking part of the Starbucks Challenge, we wandered over the Garage location of Starbucks. After finding two really nice and comfortable chairs, I went up to the counter to order MBH's hot chocolate and present my travel mug for a much needed cup of Fair Trade coffee. Another really nice barista told me that they didn't have it brewing right then BUT if I would wait a few minutes, she would be happy to grind some for me to use in a french press. Success #2. And, when I went up for a refill, she said that they had brewed some so I could just have it "normal". She also told me it Estima was their house coffee on Tuesday and Sunday.
Today, we meant to go to Central Square location but it was snowing so we trudged over to the Garage location again and once again was met with a warm, steaming cup of Estima.
So, the report from Harvard Square: 2 Stores, 2 sucesses. I'm thankful, considering the responses so many from other places have reported that I live in the Ultra Liberal, Ultra Green city of Cambridge, MA...truly our fair city.
P.S. I'll keep checking on these two locations and the other's in Cambridge.