Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Sorry to have been so quiet of late. Between work and trying to take advantage of the early fall evenings when I get home, I'm finding it hard to get back into the full swing of blogging after my vacation.

Never fear though, I just uploaded to Flickr quite a few photos for the two vacation wrap up posts, including the food ones and tonight, I have set aside a few minutes to finish the draft I started yesterday.

To tide you over until then, I'll share a few more pictures from my vacation, including two really interesting buildings I discovered while traipsing across Civil War battlefields. Do you feel like you are trapped in your neighbor's basement watching their vacation slides yet?

The first is the ruins of the oldest grist mill in Virginia.

Old Grist Mill in Fisher's Hill VA

This was just down the road from the Fisher's Hill battlefield and before I had a fun encounter with these cows at Rude Hill.

Cows on a battlefield in Virgina

The pretty little white one followed me all over the battlefield like a puppy, including giving me a head butt in the bum when I quit scratching her ears.

But she led me to these ruins of this sad dog trot cottage and shed

An old dog trot cottageat the top of a hill on a battlefield in VA

before following my up the top of the hill and standing next to me to admire the view of rolling farmland in the Shenandoah Valley with the tops of the Appalachian Mountains in the far distance.

The top of the hill behind the cows

If I would have thought Maybelle, that's the name I gave my puppy-cow, and LB would have gotten along, I may have brought her home!