Friday, February 13, 2009

Hello?! Is Anyone Home?!

Um, remember last week when I said I "thought" I might not have to work the crazy hours I have been working the past few weeks?

Yea, well I lied. Now for some good news and some bad news...

Good news is it is a long weekend this weekend and the office is closed on Monday.

Bad news is I am working for part of it.

Good news is that I've made time to actually come home at dinner and cook to the Cookbook Casting Call menu for this week.

Bad news is I've gone back to work after dinner and haven't had time to post about the food.

Good news is I'm taking tomorrow off to play in the city for a bit.

Bad news is I was trying to get away for the weekend and had to cancel my plans.

Good news is I'm working at home on Monday instead of the office and I'm baking up a storm between sessions at the laptop.

Meaning more good news for the folks in the office on Tuesday when I get to do this 60 hour week all over again.

I'm not making any promises about not working as much next week this time but I think...