Tonight though I absolutely refused to let the short New England spring pass me by. The past two days it has been in the middle 70s and not a cloud in the sky. So, at 6pm I called it a day and walked out into the sun. After feeding a surprised LB, who if this work schedule keeps up is going to have to learn to pop the cat food tin open on his own, I fixed myself a nice gin and tonic and decided to tour the yard and admire the spring flowers in all their glory.
Daffodils are my favourite flower and while they start showing up in their forced form in middle February, it isn't until late April and early May that the bulbs in the yard show their pretty yellow
and white and orange heads.
My landlord and his wife planted quite a few daffodils and tulips while they lived in the house. They also planted lots of other flowers I can't identify. Like these lovely little purple-blue creatures
Then there are these exploding fire cracker like blue and white flowers
They must have liked blue because these are all over the side yard
and while it is really on my Indian neighbor's yard, who are currently cooking with the most wonderful smelling spices, I can't help but admire this red, red bush.
Flowers aren't the only thing my landlord and his wife left me. She had an herb garden and when they moved to their new house, she left it behind. Apparently these are some hardy herbs because the tarragon has re-emerged.
The most surprising thing I found in my tour of the yard though were the clumps and clumps of wild onions and chives.
Between the tarragon and the chives, I can't wait to forage in my yard for the makings of an herb omelette...
when the work craziness slows down that is.