To say that I'm jet lagged today would be a mild understatement of the first order. By the time you figure in the time difference, flight time, and the time required to get through the Moscow Airport security process I was up for twenty seven hours on Friday/Saturday. Needless to say not a whole lotta anything got done around Chez Breadchick over the weekend except for a trip to the gym to fight of some jet lag, laundry and a little bread baking. We, LB and I, also got our first Christmas packages in the mail on Saturday.
LB immediately celebrated by sitting on one of the boxes; making it next to impossible for me to open. He picked a good box on which to perch himself because it contained cat goodies in the form of sardines, a new stringy toy, and some catnip treats from one of his grandmothers!

I've got lots more tales from Moscow to tell you about and I promise, I'll get you all caught up on the food and fun later in the week but today I want to remind you that you only have four more days to bid on the lovely raffle prizes for Menu of Hope IV.

The last day you can donate and receive the opportunity to win either one of the four prizes I'm offering (chocolates from LA Burdicks or Knipschildt Chocolatiers, two loaves of fresh baked bread, or a day of bread baking with Breadchick) or any other other wonderful prizes being offered by my fellow food bloggers is December 21st! So hurry on up and donate here at the Menu for Hope Donation Page. All the proceeds go to fund the World Food Programme and specifically a school lunch program in Lesotho.
I have also noticed quite a few bids for the LA Burdicks Chocolate Mice (prize #UE08) and A Day of Breadbaking with Breadchick (prize# UE11)...Thanks everyone who has bid on those items. So, if you are looking for something with a really good chance of winning go ahead and bid on the small signature box of Knipschildt chocolate (prize #UE09) or the two loaves for fresh baked bread (prize# UE10). I promise you won't be sorry with either yummy goodie and you will be supporting a really awesome cause!
As of when I posted this the current funds raised are over $30,000!!! Whooot!! Now, Sour Dough readers, let's help push that even higher and closer to our goal of over $62,000 (last year's total). We can do it!!