Weekend Cookbook Challenge started as a way for Sara to cook out of all the unused cookbooks in her collection. After a while, she invited other food bloggers to join in and one of the oldest running monthly food blogging events was born. I used to be a very regular participant in the WCC but I have to admit that the last year I haven't been good about getting my dishes made on time.
I think the most fun I had during my participation in Weekend Cookbook Challenge was cooking from this odd little collection of cookbooks I have of food served on Planes, Trains, Ships and Automobiles
I made a scrumptious three pepper relish for WCC
out of the American Airlines Cookbook.
From The Harvey House Cookbook
and from Last Dinner On the Titanic
A delightful spring asparagus salad
Unfortunately I never got around to making the dish planned for WCC out of Manifold Destiny: The One! The Only! Guide to Cooking on Your Car Engine!
I even hosted a Weekend Cookbook Challenge. It was #10 and the theme was "Neglected Kitchen Gadgets". For the final Weekend Cookbook Challenge, Sara picked the theme of "Love".
I love Sara to death. She is the sister I never had and believe me when I say we can spend hours chatting and giggling. So, for Sara and all the wonderful memories of Weekend Cookbook Challenge, I'm making Cappuccino White Chocolate Chunk Quick Bread. A recipe I adapted from the Maxwell House Coffee Drinks & Desserts Cookbook
The original recipe was for muffins but I was lazy on Thursday night and didn't feel like messing around with making muffins. I also didn't feel like running out to the store to get the instant cappuccino mix the recipe called for. Besides, that wouldn't fit into the Winter Pantry Plan very well now would it? So, I "McGyvered" my own version by combining powdered milk, powdered espresso from King Arthur Flour, and some sugar to use instead.
It was a hit at work and several people came into my office telling me it was one their favorite things I've brought into work. I have to agree.
So, with a great amount of love of coffee, chocolate, Sara, and all the fun over the years we've had, we bid "adieu" to Weekend Cookbook Challenge. Thanks Sara for three great years!
Homemade Instant Cappuccino Mix
1/2 cup powdered espresso
1/2 cup fine sugar (not powdered sugar. You can make fine sugar by whizzing it quickly in a food processor)
1 cup instant powdered milk
Combine all the ingredients and store in an airtight container. To make a cup, use 2 Tbsp for every 6 oz of boiling water.
Cappuccino White Chocolate Chunk Bread
adapted from The Maxwell House Coffee Drinks and Dessert Cookbook
2 cups AP flour
1/2 cup granulated sugar
6 Tbsp homemade instant cappuccino mix
2 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
1 large egg
1 cup milk
1/2 cup butter, melted
1/2 cup coarsely chopped good quality white chocolate or 3/4 cup white chocolate chips
Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees (if you are going to make muffins, use 375 degrees). Whisk together in a separate bowl, all the dry ingredients, except the white chocolate chunks. Stir into dry ingredients, milk, egg and melted butter and stir until batter just moist. Fold in the white chocolate chunks or chips.
Pour into prepared 9" x 5" bread pan or 12 prepared muffin tins. Bake bread for 50 - 55 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean. If the top starts getting too brown, tent with foil. If making muffins, bake for about 15 - 20 minutes.
Let bread cool in pan. Remove muffins from tins to cool.
Great warm or cold with a nice cup of coffee.